Renate can be contacted via phone or email. She is co-located at Lifestreams in Cheltenham. All former clients are welcome.
2-12 Chesterville Road
Cheltenham VIC 3192
Lifestreams on Pine St has no number. It is adjacent to the top carpark facing Chesterville Rd.
It is a house through the iron gates off the front car park on Chesterville Rd – see the photo below.
It has a wait room but no reception. We still need to wear a mask.
You can ring me on 0408 177 083 if you need assistance or go to the foyer of the Big White Church if they are open for assistance.

2-12 Chesterville Road
Cheltenham VIC 3192
Lifestreams on Pine St has no number. It is adjacent to the top carpark facing Chesterville Rd.
It is a house through the iron gates off the front car park on Chesterville Rd – see the photo below.
It has a wait room but no reception. We still need to wear a mask.
You can ring me on 0408 177 083 if you need assistance or go to the foyer of the Big White Church if they are open for assistance.

“Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.”
Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne
“Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved.”